Notice Board
  • 1 Enrolment 2023-24 Semester I to VI   26/07/2024
  • 2 Verification for Newly Admitted Students 2024-25   01/07/2024
  • 3 Muharram Holiday   16/07/2024
  • 4 University Result 2019-2023   01/07/2024
  • 5 Yearly University Enrolment Statement   15/07/2024
  • 6 2018/-19 BU RESULT   01/07/2024
  • 7 University Statement of Pass out students   15/07/2024
  • 8 Yearly Enrolment 2020-21   01/05/2024
  • 9 Yearly Enrolment Statement 2019-20   29/04/2024
  • 10 Odd Semester yearly 2022-23   01/05/2024
  • 11 Odd Semester Yearly 2020-21   03/04/2024
  • 12 Statement of Semester 1 Enrolment Approved by University   01/07/2024
  • 13 Enrolment 2018-19   02/04/2024
  • 14 2019-19 TOTAL ENROLLED STUDENTS   15/07/2024
  • 15 Enrolment 2019-20BKU   01/04/2024
  • 16 Enrolment 2020-21 BKU   28/04/2024
  • 17 Enrolment 2022-23 Semester 1   02/04/2024
  • 18 2021-22 Enrolment Semester 1   29/04/2024
  • 19 Student Enrolment Analysis 2018-23 Semester 1   29/04/2024
  • 20 Green Audit Report 2022-23   29/04/2024
  • 21 Certificates: Envs. Audit   29/04/2024
  • 22 Certificates: Energy Audits   29/04/2024
  • 23 Certificates: Green Audit   29/04/2024
  • 24 Envs. Promotion Outside of Campus   01/04/2024
  • 25 Our Perception on Energy Resources    29/04/2024
  • 26 Water Conservation Report   01/04/2024
  • 27 Provision for Our Special Students   28/02/2024
  • 28 Annual Cultural Programme 2018-19   29/04/2024
  • 29 Annual Cultural Programme 2022-23   01/04/2024
  • 30 Annual Cultural Programme 2019-20   29/04/2024
  • 31 NSS ACTIVITIES 2022-23   01/05/2024
  • 32 NSS ACTIVITIES 2018-19   27/05/2024
  • 33 Yoga Programme 2022-23   30/04/2024
  • 34 Programme in Mental Health 2022-23   29/04/2024
  • 35 Journal 32   30/04/2024
  • 36 Journal 2   28/05/2024
  • 37 Yoga 2021-22   01/05/2024
  • 38 Seat According to Reservation Policy   01/05/2024
  • 39 Yoga Programme 2019-20   07/05/2024
  • 40 College Annual Sports 2022-23   01/05/2024
  • 41 College Annual Sports 2019-20   01/05/2024
  • 42 College Annual Sports 2018-19   29/04/2024
  • 43 Report on Action Taken   01/05/2024
  • 44 Minutes of Grievance Cell 05   01/05/2024
  • 45 Minutes of Grievance Cell 04   01/05/2024
  • 46 Minutes of Grievance Cell 03   01/05/2024
  • 47 Minutes of Grievance Cell 02   01/05/2024
  • 48 Minutes of Grievance Cell 01   01/05/2024
  • 49 List of Publications (other than Journal)   01/05/2024
  • 50 01. Book Chapter   29/04/2024
  • 51 FED 2018-23   01/04/2024
  • 52 Post for National Vacancy   01/05/2024
  • 53 Non-Teaching *Teaching Supporting Staff)   01/05/2024
  • 54 Apptt. S. Muk   01/05/2024
  • 55 List of Permanent Teachers   27/05/2024
  • 56 2nd GB Meeting 2020   27/02/2024
  • 57 1st GB Meeting 2019   03/04/2024
  • 58 Green Audit Report 2021-22   29/04/2024
  • 59 Green Audit Report 2020-21   01/05/2024
  • 60 Green Audit Report 2019-20   03/04/2024
  • 61 Green Audit Report 2018-19   28/02/2024
  • 62 Action taken (on the basis of Feedback Recrived)   01/05/2024
  • 63 FDP 20-21   01/05/2024
  • 64 FDP 2022-23   01/05/2024
  • 65 FDP 2021-22   01/05/2024
  • 66 FDP 2018-19   01/05/2024
  • 67 NET/ SET B. Mondal   01/05/2024
  • 68 NET/SET, S. Muk   27/05/2024
  • 69 NET/ SET D. Ray   01/05/2024
  • 70 NET/ SET S. Sain   01/05/2024
  • 71 NET/SET R. Pal   01/05/2024
  • 72 NET/ SET P.Kumbhakar   01/05/2024
  • 73 NET/ SET . N. Chaki   01/05/2024
  • 74 NET/SET D. Muk   26/05/2024
  • 75 PTT Approval   27/05/2024
  • 76 Apptt. Principal   01/07/2024
  • 77 Apptt. D. Mukherjee   01/05/2024
  • 78 Apptt. Tapati Chatter.   29/04/2024
  • 79 Aptt. Sidhartha Layek   27/05/2024
  • 80 Apptt. S. Deoghoria   30/04/2024
  • 81 Apptt. T. Roy   01/05/2024
  • 82 Apptt. Samit Layek   01/05/2024
  • 83 Apptt. S. Roy   01/05/2024
  • 84 Apptt. S. Shit   01/05/2024
  • 85 Apptt. S. Sain   01/05/2024
  • 86 Apptt.S. Mukherjee   01/05/2024
  • 87 Apptt. Riya Pal   01/05/2024
  • 88 Apptt. R. Musib   01/05/2024
  • 89 Apptt.P.Kumbhakar   01/05/2024
  • 90 Apptt. N. Chaki   06/05/2024
  • 91 Apptt. M. Dutta   01/05/2024
  • 92 Apptt. M. Deghoria   01/05/2024
  • 93 Apptt. M. Dutta   01/04/2024
  • 94 Apptt. D. Mukherjee   27/05/2024
  • 95 Apptt. B. Chatterjee   30/04/2024
  • 96 Apptt. Letter. B. Mondal   29/04/2024
  • 97 Apptt Letter. (A. Chand)   26/05/2024
  • 98 State Govt Approval for SACT Teacher   02/05/2024
  • 99 ROA   01/05/2024
  • 100 Green Audit Report 2018-19   01/05/2024
  • 101 Teacher NET/SET Certificate   01/05/2024
  • 102 Waste Management Certificate    01/07/2024
  • 103 E- Waste Management Certificate   01/07/2024
  • 104 Waste Management Policy (College Campus)   01/05/2024
  • 105 E-WASTE POLICY (For College Campus)   01/06/2024
  • 106 Audit (Environment) 2018-19   01/06/2024
  • 107 Energy Audited Certificate (Appreciation Letter) 2022-23   27/05/2024
  • 108 Energy Audited Certificate (Appreciation Letter) 2020-21   27/05/2024
  • 109 Energy Audited Certificate (Appreciation Letter) 2021-22   27/05/2024
  • 110 Energy Audited Certificate (Appreciation Letter) 2019-20   27/05/2024
  • 111 Energy Audited Certificate (Appreciation Letter) 2018-19   02/04/2024
  • 112 Computer Bill and Audit report 2018-23   01/07/2024
  • 113 Photocopy of Stock Register (computer)   01/07/2024
  • 114 NSS Extension and outreach Programme    01/07/2024
  • 115 Authenticated Report on University Result 2018-2023   01/05/2024
  • 116 Received Service (Students)   01/05/2024
  • 117 List of the Student Enrolled in Higher Education 2018-2023   01/07/2024
  • 118 Sanction of State Aided College Teachers   01/04/2024
  • 119 Appointment letter of Teachers   01/05/2024
  • 120 NET/ SET Certificate for Teachers   01/05/2024
  • 121 School Certificate to Complete Field Report Education Department   01/04/2024
  • 122 Completion Certificate of Project 2022-23   01/05/2024
  • 123 Feedback Form (2018-2023)    28/02/2024
  • 124 Authenticated List of Scholarship 2018-23 (all)   27/05/2024
  • 125 2018-19 NSS DAILY DIARY   31/01/2024
  • 126 Plant Species Diversity 2018-23   31/05/2024
  • 127 Exchange Programme (2)   31/05/2024
  • 128 Web in Web Sites   01/06/2024
  • 129 MOU 2 Exchange Programme   31/05/2024
  • 130 MoU I Exchange Programme   27/05/2024
  • 131 MoU _2   31/05/2024
  • 132 MoU _1 Govt College   30/05/2024
  • 133 NET QUALIFIED    01/06/2024
  • 134 CERTIFICATE 2 MOU   31/05/2024
  • 135 MOU 1 GOVT COLLEGE   27/05/2024
  • 136 Community Lunch Programme 2020   01/06/2024
  • 137 Unity Day Celebration   01/06/2024
  • 138 Programme in Linguistics 2021 (online)   30/05/2024
  • 139 GB (1st) Resolution IQAC Formation   01/05/2024
  • 143 ENERGY AUDIT REPORT 2022-23   01/06/2024
  • 144 MOU 2 EXCHANGE PROGRAMME   27/05/2024
  • 145 Authenticated Admitted Student List 2018-2023   30/04/2024
  • 146 2022-23 (JOB 5)   01/05/2024
  • 147 2021-22 (JOB4)   01/05/2024
  • 148 2020-21 (JOB 3)   01/05/2024
  • 149 2019-20 (JOB2)   01/05/2024
  • 150 2018-19 (JOB1)   01/05/2024
  • 151 Authenticated copy of Result Report 2018-23   26/05/2024
  • 152 Visit of Primary School   26/05/2024
  • 153 Community Services During Pandimic   02/05/2024
  • 155 ELECTORAL LITERACY CLUB 2018-23   27/05/2024
  • 156 Scholarship OASIS 2018-23   01/05/2024
  • 158 WOMENS DAY CELEBRATION 2018-23   28/05/2024
  • 159 Project Work (Sociology & Education) 2018-2023   28/04/2024
  • 160 Regular On line Classes   01/05/2024
  • 161 Scholarship Authentication   01/05/2024
  • 162 Scholarship Kanyashree List   29/04/2024
  • 163 2022-23 Nature Related Programme   01/05/2024
  • 164 2018-19 Nature Related Programme   01/05/2024
  • 165 Plantation Programme 2018-23   01/05/2024
  • 166 Scholarship Authentication 2018-2023   01/05/2024
  • 167 Online class and regular classes   01/05/2024
  • 168 Gender Audit 2018-2023   01/05/2024
  • 169 STUDENT CREDIT CARD   01/05/2024
  • 170 Green Audit Planning   01/05/2024
  • 171 Bengali Excursion 2023   01/04/2024
  • 172 Teacher's Daily Diary History Department (Sample Copy)   01/05/2024
  • 173 Teacher's Daily Diary Sociology Department (Sample Copy)   01/05/2024
  • 174 Teacher's Daily Diary Sanskrit Department (Sample Copy)   01/05/2024
  • 175 Teacher's Daily Diary Bengali Department (Sample Copy)   01/05/2024
  • 176 Remedial Classes   01/05/2024
  • 177 Teacher's Daily Diary Education Department (Sample Copy)   01/05/2024
  • 178 Teacher's Daily Diary English Department (Sample Copy)   01/05/2024
  • 179 Journal 35   29/04/2024
  • 180 Journal 34   26/05/2024
  • 181 Journal 33   01/05/2024
  • 182 Journal 31   27/05/2024
  • 183 Journal 30   02/04/2024
  • 184 Journal 29   02/04/2024
  • 185 Journal 28   01/05/2024
  • 186 Journal 27   26/02/2024
  • 187 Journal 26   04/04/2024
  • 188 Journal 25   03/04/2024
  • 189 Journal 24   31/10/2023
  • 190 Journal 23   03/06/2022
  • 191 Journal 22   30/04/2024
  • 192 Journal 21   02/04/2024
  • 193 Journal 20   03/04/2024
  • 194 Journal 19   01/05/2024
  • 195 Journal 18   02/05/2024
  • 196 Journal 17   01/05/2024
  • 197 Journal 16   29/04/2024
  • 198 Journal 15   01/05/2024
  • 199 Journal 14   02/05/2024
  • 200 Journal 13   01/05/2024
  • 201 Journal 12   03/04/2024
  • 202 Journal 11   02/04/2024
  • 203 Journal 10   03/04/2024
  • 204 Journal 9   03/04/2024
  • 205 Journal 8   29/02/2024
  • 206 Journal 7   01/04/2024
  • 207 Journal 6   28/02/2024
  • 208 Journal 5   03/04/2024
  • 209 Journal 4   28/02/2024
  • 210 Journal 3   01/03/2024
  • 211 Journal 1   01/02/2024
  • 212 co 2   01/05/2024
  • 213 co3   01/05/2024
  • 214 CO 4   01/05/2024
  • 215 CO 5   01/05/2024
  • 216 CO 1   03/04/2024
  • 217 Minues of Academic Committee 2019-2023   02/04/2024
  • 218 SANSKRIT DEPTT ROUTINE 2018-19   01/05/2024
  • 219 Question Paper Semester I   03/04/2024
  • 220 QUESTION PAPER (SAMPLE)SEM V   03/04/2024
  • 221 Question paper sample Sem III   02/04/2024
  • 222 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AND GAME CELL 2022-23   01/04/2024
  • 224 Womens Cell   01/05/2024
  • 225 VISHAKHA COMMITTEE   01/05/2024
  • 226 Teacher- Council 2018-2023   01/05/2024
  • 227 Library Improvement Cell 2019-2024   01/05/2024
  • 228 CCMV/IQAC/01   03/04/2024
  • 229 Contents of Curricular Aspects   03/04/2024
  • 230 Annual Sports 2018-2023   01/04/2024
  • 231 CCMV/IQAC/11   01/05/2024
  • 232 CCMV/IQAC/10   01/05/2024
  • 233 CCMV/IQAC/09   01/05/2024
  • 234 CCMV/IQAC/08   01/04/2024
  • 235 CCMV/IQAC/07   01/05/2024
  • 236 CCMV/IQAC/06   01/05/2024
  • 237 CCMV/IQAC/05   01/05/2024
  • 238 CCMV/IQAC/04   01/05/2024
  • 239 CCMV/IQAC/03   01/05/2024
  • 240 CCMV/IQAC/02   01/05/2024
  • 241 CCMV/IQAC/01   01/03/2024
  • 242 content 17   01/04/2024
  • 243 content 16   01/05/2024
  • 244 content 14   01/05/2024
  • 245 Content 13   01/05/2024
  • 246 Content 12   01/05/2024
  • 247 Content 10   01/05/2024
  • 248 Content 9   01/05/2024
  • 249 Content 7   01/05/2024
  • 250 Content 6   01/05/2024
  • 251 Content 4   01/05/2024
  • 252 Content 3   01/05/2024
  • 253 Conten 2   01/05/2024
  • 254 content 15   26/05/2024
  • 255 content11   26/05/2024
  • 256 content 6   29/02/2024
  • 257 content 8   29/02/2024
  • 258 content 5   01/12/2023
  • 259 Content 1   26/02/2024
  • 260 ENGLISH 2018-19   28/02/2024
  • 261 Sanskrit 2019-20   01/03/2024
  • 262 Sankrit 2020-21   01/03/2024
  • 263 HISTORY 2022-23   04/01/2024
  • 264 HISTORY 2021-22   01/12/2023
  • 265 HISTORY 2020-21   04/01/2024
  • 266 HISTORY 2019-20   01/03/2024
  • 267 HISTORY 2018-19   26/02/2024
  • 268 Departmental Routine Political SCIENCE 2022-23   01/03/2024
  • 269 Departmental Routine Political SCIENCE 2021-22   04/01/2024
  • 270 Departmental Routine Political SCIENCE 2020-21   03/11/2023
  • 271 Departmental Routine Political SCIENCE 2019-20   27/09/2023
  • 272 Departmental Routine Sanskrit 2022-23   01/10/2023
  • 273 epartmental Routine Sanskrit 2019-20   04/01/2024
  • 274 Departmental Routine Sanskrit 2019-20   01/06/2023
  • 275 Departmental Routine Bengali 2022-23   01/03/2024
  • 276 Departmental Routine Bengali 2021-22   01/02/2024
  • 277 Departmental Routine Bengali 2019-20   01/12/2023
  • 278 Departmental Routine Bengali 2020-21   26/05/2024
  • 279 Holi day 2019   27/02/2024
  • 280 Holi Day List 2018   28/02/2024
  • 281 Departmental Routine: Education 2022-23   02/04/2024
  • 282 Departmental Routine: Education 2021-22   01/02/2024
  • 283 Departmental Routine: Education 2020-21   28/02/2024
  • 284 Departmental Routine: Education 2019-20-19   02/02/2024
  • 285 Departmental Routine: Education 2018-19   26/02/2024
  • 286 Syllabus Planning & Individual Workload   26/02/2024
  • 287 Sanskrit Individual work load & Syllabus Planning   28/02/2024
  • 288 Political Science:Individual Work load and Syllabus Planning   01/03/2024
  • 289 Education Individual Work Load and Syllabus Planning   28/02/2024
  • 290 Individual Workload Sociology   01/03/2024
  • 291 Individual Work Load English    01/02/2024
  • 292 English 2022-23   28/02/2024
  • 293 English 21-22   01/04/2024
  • 294 Cultural Programme 2018-23   31/01/2024
  • 295 Contents Curricular Aspects   01/06/2024
  • 296 English 2020-21   27/02/2024
  • 297 English 2019-20   01/06/2024
  • 298 Sociology 2022-23   01/06/2024
  • 299 Sociology 2021-22   01/06/2024
  • 300 Sociology 2020-21   01/01/2024
  • 301 Sociology 2019-20   01/02/2024
  • 302 Sociology 2018-19   04/01/2024
  • 303 Admission and Registration Data   01/06/2024
  • 304 AISHE SINCE 2018   02/01/2024
  • 305 Yoga Classes   01/03/2024
  • 306 Qualified in State Level Examination   01/12/2023
  • 307 Scholarship received by the student 2018-2023   02/11/2023
  • 308 Academic Audit Report 2019-2023   17/06/2024
  • 309 Infrastructure of College   01/06/2024
  • 310 MoU   01/03/2023
  • 311 Annual Report on Clean and Green Initiative Cell 2022-23   01/05/2023
  • 312 Dissemination Lecture on Transgender   03/03/2023
  • 313 Participated (Student) Diversified Programme    01/09/2023
  • 314 Grievance Redressal Cell and Activities 2019-2023   27/02/2024
  • 315 Eid Holiday   14/06/2024
  • 316 FEEDBACK(students, Stakeholders, Teachers)2018-2023   01/09/2023
  • 317 Book-Chapter 2018-23   01/06/2024
  • 318 Project Report Education 2022   01/06/2024
  • 319 PhD Details of Teachers 2018-2024   01/06/2024
  • 320 Sociology Project Report 2022-23   01/06/2024
  • 321 Enviromental Project Report 2022-23   01/06/2024
  • 322 Academic Calendar 2019-2023   01/06/2024
  • 323 Scholarship Received/ Sanction Information 2018-2023   01/02/2024
  • 324 project report 2022-23   01/06/2024
  • 325 Ethics Related Activities 2018-23   01/06/2024
  • 326 Report on Result 2018-23   01/06/2024
  • 327 Project Work (2022-23)   01/06/2024
  • 328 Book Chapter 2018-23   01/06/2024
  • 329 Teaching Learning Method 2018-23   01/06/2024
  • 330 Report in Reservation Admission 2018-23   01/06/2024
  • 331 Indian Knowledge System (2018-2023)   01/06/2024
  • 332 Indian Knowledge System   01/06/2024
  • 333 Online Classes (04/06/2024)   03/06/2024
  • 334 TEACHING LEARNING MODES   01/06/2024
  • 335 Question Bank (NEP) SEMESTER 1 (College Level Examination)   01/05/2024
  • 336 Question Bank (CBCS) SEM III (College Level Examination   03/05/2024
  • 337 Qusetion Bank (College Level Examination) CBCS )SEM III   02/05/2024
  • 338 IQAC (2024-2024)   31/05/2024
  • 339 Internal Examination (2024) Even Semester   29/05/2024
  • 340 Student Credit Cards (2022-23)   01/05/2024
  • 341 Student Credit Cards (2021-22)   01/05/2024
  • 342 Grievance Redressal cell (2020-23) & (2023-24)   01/05/2024
  • 343 Grievance Redressal Cell (2022-2024)   01/05/2024
  • 344 NSS Special Camp Day 2 Programme   25/03/2024
  • 345 NSS Special Camp Day 1 Proogramme (2023-24   25/03/2024
  • 346 Sanskrit (Semester IV)   01/05/2024
  • 347 Bengali (Semester IV) Major   01/05/2024
  • 348 Report on Students Credit Cards (2022-23)   01/05/2024
  • 349 College Profile (Admission 2024-25)   25/05/2024
  • 350 Swami Vivekananda Merit-cum-Means Scholarship.(2019-2024)   01/05/2024
  • 351 National Scholarship (2019-2024)   01/05/2024
  • 352 ঐক্যশ্রী -Aikyashree   01/05/2024
  • 353 Ethics Related Programme   01/05/2024
  • 354 Students Improvement Programme   01/05/2024
  • 355 College Brochure (2024-25)   01/05/2024
  • 356 Student Enrolled in Reserved Category (Semester 1 Since 2019)   01/02/2024
  • 357 Student Intake (approved by University)   01/02/2024
  • 358 Programme to Promote Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environmental and Sustainability    30/08/2023
  • 359 Notice (online classes)   21/05/2024
  • 360 List of Sub Committees and Other Important Units   04/01/2024
  • 361 ELC 2021-22   01/02/2024
  • 362 ELC 2019-20   01/11/2023
  • 363 Clean and Green Initiative Committee (2023-24)   04/01/2024
  • 364 Clean & Green Initiative Committee (2022-23)   02/11/2023
  • 365 Electoral Literacy Club 2023-24   04/01/2024
  • 366 Electoral Literacy Club (2022-23)   01/03/2024
  • 367 Electoral Literacy Club (2021-22)   01/02/2024
  • 368 Electoral Literacy Club (2020-21)   02/02/2024
  • 369 Electoral Literacy Club (2019-20)   05/01/2024
  • 370 College Office Management Cell (201-2022) & 2023-24   01/12/2023
  • 371 College Office Management Cell 2022-23   01/11/2023
  • 372 College Establishment Related Information   01/07/2023
  • 373 SC, ST, OBC MINORITY & STUDENT SUPPORT CELL 2023-24   04/08/2023
  • 374 SC, ST, OBC MINORITY & STUDENT WELFARE CELL2022-23   03/11/2023
  • 375 SC, ST, OBC MINORITY & STUDENT WELFARE CELL 2019-2022   01/09/2023
  • 376 Academic Committee 2023-24   26/02/2024
  • 377 Admission Committee (2022-23)   02/12/2023
  • 378 Admission Committee (2019-2022)   05/01/2024
  • 379 Finance Committee 2023-24   20/07/2023
  • 380 Finance Committee (2022-23)   20/07/2023
  • 381 Finance Committee 2019-2022   20/07/2023
  • 382 College Days & Holidays 2024   02/02/2024
  • 383 Anti Ragging Cell (2023-24)   02/12/2023
  • 384 Anti Ragging Cell (2022-23)   02/01/2024
  • 385 Anti Ragging Cell (2019-2022)   01/12/2023
  • 386 College Days & College Holidays (2021-23)   04/01/2024
  • 387 Academic Committee (2022-23)   04/01/2024
  • 388 College Days and College Holidays (2017-2021)   01/05/2024
  • 389 List Minutes of Academic Committee    01/02/2024
  • 390 English (2019-20) Departmental Routine   03/01/2024
  • 391 Academic Committee (2023-26)   01/02/2024
  • 392 2019-20 English (Departmental Routine)   01/01/2024
  • 393 Academic Committee (2019-2022)   02/01/2024
  • 394 Academic Committee (2023-26)   02/01/2024
  • 395 Admission Brochure (2024-25)   26/04/2024
  • 396 Holiday list (2024)   24/02/2024
  • 397 Holiday list (2023)   01/09/2023
  • 398 Holiday list (2022)   07/10/2023
  • 399 Holiday List (2021)   01/11/2023
  • 400 English (2019-20) Departmental Routine   01/09/2023
  • 401 Establishment Related Information (College)   01/09/2023
  • 402 RTI CELL   01/07/2023
  • 403 Faculty Members (2023)   01/05/2024
  • 404 master routine 2022-23   04/01/2024
  • 405 MASTER ROUTINE (2021-22)   04/01/2024
  • 406 MASTER ROUTINE (2020-21)   01/12/2023
  • 407 MASTER ROUTINE (2019-20)   30/11/2023
  • 408 MASTER ROUTINE (2018-19)   02/11/2023
  • 409 ADMISSION & REGISTRATION DATA (2018-23)   02/01/2024
  • 410 BENGALI ROUTINE 2018-19   01/12/2023
  • 411 BENGALI ROUTINE (2018-19)   01/12/2023
  • 412 College Establishment Related Information   02/01/2024
  • 413 Governing Body (2019-2022)   01/12/2023
  • 414 Governing Body (2022-23)   01/12/2023
  • 415 Student-Enrolment (Details 2019-2024)   02/12/2023
  • 416 College Governing Body (2023-24)   01/05/2024
  • 417 Student- Enrolment Report (2018-2024)   22/12/2023
  • 418 Enrolment Details of Students Semester I (2023-24)   21/12/2023
  • 419 Enrolment Details of Students, Semester 1 (2022-23)   01/09/2023
  • 420 Enrolment Details of Students, Semester 1 (2021-22)   01/09/2023
  • 421 Enrolment Details of Students (Semester 1) (2020-21)   01/09/2023
  • 422 Enrolment of Student Details Semester 1 (2019-20)   01/09/2023
  • 423 Enrolment Details of Semester 1 students (2018-19)   01/09/2023
  • 424 Administrative Structure (Chhatna Chandidas Mahavidyalaya)   20/07/2023
  • 425 Rabindra Jayanti 2024   07/05/2024
  • 426 Even Semester Enrolment 2024   30/04/2024
  • 427 Excursion 2024 April (Bengali Department)   10/04/2024
  • 428 ADD ON COURSE 2023-24   04/03/2024
  • 429 Even Semester Classes 2023-24   22/03/2024
  • 430 NSS Special Camp 2023-24   18/03/2024
  • 431 Notice (Commencement of Classes   14/03/2024
  • 432 Notice (Admit card download)   06/03/2024
  • 433 Admit Card Reprint SEM I Examination   06/03/2024
  • 434 NIRF DATA   01/03/2024
  • 435 Admit Card Download (Semester I)   01/03/2024
  • 436 Examination 2024 SEM I   24/02/2024
  • 437 Student List (UID)SEM I   12/02/2024
  • 438 Enrolment form fill-up of UG (Honours & Programme) Semester I   11/02/2024
  • 439 HOLIDAY LIST 2024   01/02/2024
  • 440 Examination (University) Sem III & V   09/02/2024
  • 441 ADMIT CARD DOWNLOAD (SEM III & V)   09/02/2024
  • 442 Instruction to Fill up form (University Examination)   30/01/2024
  • 443 Examination Form fill-up for UG (both Honours & Programme) Semester III & V students (both Regular &   30/01/2024
  • 444 University Examination SEM III & V   31/01/2024
  • 445 Republic Day Notice   25/01/2024
  • 446 Student Week Celebration   31/12/2023
  • 447 Sem I: Post Publication Review Result   29/12/2023
  • 448 Guideline for Registration   29/12/2023
  • 449 NOTICE   22/12/2023
  • 450 Dissemination Lecture   18/12/2023
  • 451 Entry Level Ability Test (2023) Question Papers   13/12/2023
  • 452 Internal Examination Rescheduled for Heavy Precipitation   07/12/2023
  • 453 Result Related Notice   22/11/2023
  • 454 Notice (Student)Sem I   07/11/2023
  • 455 Notice   07/11/2023
  • 456 Notice   07/11/2023
  • 457 Registration for (coaching of Civil Service Exam)   07/11/2023
  • 458 Puja Holidays   17/10/2023
  • 459 Notice   23/09/2023
  • 460 Holiday Notice   16/09/2023
  • 461 Review Notice (SEM I &III)   14/09/2023
  • 462 Duare Sarkar (Student Credit Card) 2   13/09/2023
  • 463 Admission SEM III & V   13/09/2023
  • 464 Condolence   04/09/2023
  • 465 Student Credit Card   04/09/2023
  • 466 VI Semester Result   03/09/2023
  • 467 Notice (Related to ENVS Exam)   29/08/2023
  • 468 Class Schedule 2023-December   29/08/2023
  • 469 ABC ID CRATION    29/08/2023
  • 470 ABC ID creation   28/08/2023
  • 471 Holiday Notice   25/08/2023
  • 472 Semester I. III & V (Schedule Classes))   25/08/2023
  • 473 Holiday Notice   17/08/2023
  • 474 Examination Rescheduled   17/08/2023
  • 475 Anti Ragging   15/08/2023
  • 476 Notice   15/08/2023
  • 477 Notice   15/08/2023
  • 478 Notice   12/08/2023
  • 479 Notice for Sem I   31/08/2023
  • 480 NOTICE (SEM I CLASSES)   31/07/2023
  • 481 Notice   31/07/2023
  • 482 SEM II & IV uNIVERSITY eXAM 2023   27/07/2023
  • 484 Holiday List 2023-24   21/07/2023
  • 485 Sem II & IV (Examination)   16/07/2023
  • 486 Admit Card Download Sem iII & IV   15/07/2023
  • 487 Review    14/07/2023
  • 488 V Semester Result    03/07/2023
  • 489 FORM FILL UP UG (SEM II &IV)   28/06/2023
  • 490 Admission (University Rules)   26/06/2023
  • 491 List of registered students for admission 2022-23   13/08/2022
  • 492 Admission Schedule 2022   18/07/2022
  • 493 Admission Notice 22-23   18/07/2022
  • 494 2nd phase registration   07/10/2020
  • 495 SOCH BU   05/10/2020
  • 496 HISH BU   05/10/2020
  • 497 ENGH BU   05/10/2020
  • 498 BNGH QUESTION BU   05/10/2020
  • 499 HISH C 14 BKU   03/10/2020
  • 500 ENGH C 14 BKU   03/10/2020
  • 501 BNGH C 14 BKU   03/10/2020
  • 502 Sociology Programme BKU question   03/10/2020
  • 503 Sociology Programme BKU question   03/10/2020
  • 505 QUS HISH BU   03/10/2020
  • 506 QUS SOCH BU   03/10/2020
  • 507 QUS BNGH BU   03/10/2020
  • 508 QUS ENGH BU   03/10/2020
  • 509 ENGH BKU VI SEM QUESTION   01/10/2020
  • 510 HISH BKU VI SEM QUESTION   01/10/2020
  • 511 SOCH VI SEM QUESTION BKU   01/10/2020
  • 512 BNGH BKU VI SEM QUESTION   01/10/2020
  • 513 ENVS QUESTION PAPER PART-III BU   01/10/2020



  • Chhatna Chandidas Mahavidyalaya
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