Code of Conduct





 All enrolled and intended students of Chhatna Chandidas Mahavidyalaya are expected to strictly adhere to the following codes of conduct and ethical behaviour.

All students should behave in a manner consistent with a set of positive moral and ethical principles based on core values.

All students must uphold academic integrity, and respect all persons and their property.

Students must avoid any form of cheating, fraud, lying, theft, extortion or other dishonest behaviour. Students must refrain from:

      Any act of misconduct or disruptive activity on and off- campus which can adversely affect the reputation of the college.

      Any act of discrimination based on an individual's gender, caste, race and religious beliefs, colour, language, region, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, marital or family status.

       Intentionally damaging or destroying college property or property belonging to other students or faculty members.

        Organising meetings or processions without prior permission from college authorities.

        Carrying or possessing weapons or ammunition.

         Smoking or consuming alcohol or using drugs in the college premises.

          Engaging in theft or unauthorized access to resources belonging to others or to the college.

           Interacting with media on behalf of the college or inviting media persons to the college without any permission of the college authorities.

          Recording class lectures or other college activities without prior permission from appropriate authorities.

          Irresponsible use of social media which can damage the reputation of the college.

          Engaging in any act of sexual harassment, misconduct or ragging in any form.

 Disciplinary action may be taken against any student found to violate any of these codes of conduct.


 Code of Conduct for College Teachers

(As per UGC regulations)

The teachers of the institution are required to adhere to the following codes of conduct consistent with the ideals of the profession.

    The teachers are expected to:

  • Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct expected of them by the community.
  • Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession.
  • strive for continuous professional growth through study and research.
  • Contribute to knowledge by participating in professional meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, etc.
  • Perform their duties in the form of teaching (theoretical and practical), seminars and research work conscientiously and with dedication.
  • Cooperate and assist in administrative functions of the college such as admission, counselling of students, conduct of University examinations, invigilation and evaluation etc.
  • Participate in extension, curricular, and co-curricular activities and community service.

Teachers and Students

Teachers should:

  • Respect the dignity of the students and their right to express their opinions freely.
  • Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their differences in religion, caste, political, economic social and, physical characteristics.
  • Recognise the students' differences in their aptitude and capabilities and strive to meet their individual needs.
  • Encourage students to improve their skills, develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare.
  • Inculcate among the students scientific outlook, respect for physical labour and ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace.
  • Help students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals.
  • Be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
  • Make themselves available to the students beyond class hours and help and guide them without any remuneration or reward.
  • Refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or the administration



The non-teaching staff of the college are required to adhere to the following codes of conduct and ethical behaviour for the benefit of all stakeholders.

The teaching supporting staff should: 

  • Perform their assigned duties with sincerity, honesty and integrity.
  • Deal with the students with politeness, patience and sympathy, and help them in all matters relating to examination, admission, scholarship disbursement etc.
  • Be punctual to ensure the smooth functioning of all college activities.
  • Properly use and maintain college infrastructure.
  • Respect the confidentiality of matters related to examinations and official records of staff members. Treat other non-teaching colleagues, teaching staff and students with respect and goodwill, thereby creating an ambience conducive to the overall growth of the institution.
  • Behave politely towards the guardians of students and cooperate with them in all official work.
  • Avail of leave with prior intimation to the College Authority as far as possible.
  • Refrain from undertaking any other job within college working hours or engaging in any trade or business within the college premises.
  • Respect decisions made by the college authorities and settle disputes through peaceful means.
  • Refrain from hampering the functioning of the college by engaging in political or non-secular activities.
  • Refrain from using or consuming drugs or alcohol during college hours.
  • Refrain from showing discrimination on the basis of gender, caste or religion.


       The supreme authority of an institution, the Principal is a Mentor, Patron, Custodian, Supervisor, and Administrator who plays a pivotal role in the all-inclusive development of an institution. The Principal should supervise and monitor the academic assignments and the administrative commitments of an Institute to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. As the academic head of the institution, the Principal should ensure the existence of an academic environment within the college and should endeavour for its enrichment by encouraging research activities. The Principal should put best efforts to bring in adequate infrastructural and financial support for the College. The Principal should encourage the faculty members of the Institution to take up research projects, publish research papers, arrange regular seminars and participate in conferences/ symposiums /workshops/ seminars. Despite having a greater responsibility, He/She is the fountain of inspiration for all. As an Academic commander and Administrative Head of the Institution, the principal is liable to follow certain codes of conduct  as proclaimed and prescribed by UGC and MHRD:

    The Principal should plan the budget and conduct the financial audit of the Institute.

    The Principal has the authority to take all the necessary actions as and when required to maintain discipline in the Institute.

    The Principal should form various college-level committees which are necessary for the development of the Institute.

    The Principal should encourage Faculty Members to update their knowledge by attending seminars/workshops/conferences.

     The Principal should encourage Faculty Members to author textbooks and publish research papers in reputed International / Indian Journals/Magazines and Periodicals.

     The Principal should convene meetings of any of the committees or of the Governing Body as and when required.

     The Principal should ensure that directions issued by the management are strictly complied with, executed or implemented.

      The Principal shall be responsible for the submission of an annual report on the progress achieved in different developmental and collaborative programmes to the various committees and Management.

      The Principal should uphold an ambience of social justice for all the stakeholders irrespective of caste, creed, race, sex or religious identity as well as maintain an unbiased gender-free atmosphere within the periphery of the College so that all the stakeholders enjoy equal opportunities.



  • Chhatna Chandidas Mahavidyalaya
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